Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Drug Policy System In Portugal Criminology Essay

The Drug Policy System In Portugal Criminology Essay In contrary to popular believe, it is not the Netherlands that has the most liberal drugs law, it is actually the Portugal. With its reputation of being the first European country to abolish all the criminal penalties for the personal possession of drugs (decriminalising) and at the same time enabling them to manage and control their drug problem effectively than every other country in the West, it is impossible to deny that Portuguese is a model for drug policy in the Europe. In this assignment, this will be discussed further in depth along with the comparisons of Portugal with the other (European) countries that has different drug policies in order to support this argument. CONTENT There are different types of drug control method used by different countries all over the world. There are the prohibition of drugs, the legalisation and finally, the systems of drug policy (such as decriminalisation, harm reduction and medicalisation). The prohibition of drugs is mainly done by countries such as Sweden, United States of America (USA) and Islamic countries where they criminalised drugs by penalising the drug user. The next method of drug control, legalisation of drugs as we speak are not yet done by any countries in the world as many are usually against this idea. However, Uruguay has proposed the legalising of marijuana in order to stop drug traffickers problem in their country (Cave, 2012). The other drug control method is a system of drug policy reform that is done by Portugal which is to be studied in this essay. This drug policy reform system consists of three aspects which are the decriminalisation of drugs, looking the drug issue in a medical perspective (medi calisation) and also harm reduction programs to lower the harm done by drug use. Some other countries that have also decriminalised drug use are as follow: Netherlands, Spain and Czech Republic, although they are being carried out differently in each country. On the 1st of July 2001, Portugal began a significant drastic policy change in its effort to reduce the escalating number of drug users and the problem related to drug use (particularly in the 1990s- which this problem was seen to worsen) in the country. The flagship of the new policy is to decriminalise the use and possession of drugs for personal use, introduced as a new law, Law 30/2000. Under this new law, the personal use and possession of drugs are made to be only administrative offenses rather than criminal offences. Portugal in the liberal drug policy coupled its decriminalisation with a public health reorientation with treatment and harm reduction put central in dealing with its drug problem. This decriminalisation also separates the drug user from the criminal justice system by identifying the drug user as patient, a health and social problem. In addition to this, the drug user will not have any criminal record for their drug offences but rather, an administrative offence. This distinguishes the drug policy from Spain where the policy is de facto decriminalisation where the drug user will still be judged by the criminal court. It is the stigmatisation that arises from conviction of criminal onto the drug user is what that Portuguese policy explicitly aims to avert. This medicalisation view at the same time is also a great measure to help the society out in order for it to develop as the effects of criminal conviction on the drug user will apparently be complicated once they are back in the soc iety such as in terms of seeking for employment and also, the loss of the drug users social esteem and friends or family (Pager, 2003). Together with that, the avoidance of stigma to the drug users will also make them more likely to seek for treatment and eventually have a better chance to succeed. In dealing with the administrative offences, each of the eighteen districts in Portugal will have at least one committee that deals only with drug use in that district ( however, larger ones will have more than one committee). In general, the committees will consist of three people; two people from the medical sector (physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, or social workers) and another with a legal background. They are also better known as the Commissions for the Dissuasion of Drug Addiction (Comissà µes para a Dissuasà £o da Toxicodependà ªncia), the CDTs. People who are found in possession of drugs will be referred to the CDTs by the police. The person will then be expected to appear before the CDT within 72 hours after found by the police. The CDTs use targeted responses to drug users, including sanctions such as community service, fines, suspension of professional licences and bans on attending designated places. But their primary aim is to dissuade new drug users and to e ncourage dependent drug users to enter treatment. Towards this end they determine whether individuals are occasional or dependent drug users and then apply an appropriate sanction (Hughes and Stevens, 2007). However, the committee cannot mandate compulsory treatment, although its orientation is to induce addicts to enter and remain in treatment. Additionally, because the committees will see the users repeatedly, they would build up a relationship of trust with the addict. This kind of treatment to the drug user is more likely to succeed rather than other methods as the drug user enter the doctor-patient relationship on a voluntary basis and they are also given the choice to proceed with it or not, hence empowering them (Merril et al, 2002). This is done differently in other countries such as in Sweden, where treatment is quite inaccessible as drug users will be more likely to be given penalty for drug offences and can only undergo free treatment by applying to their local social wel fare board, but since the treatment is expensive, only a few thousands of applications are approved every year due to limited resources (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2007). In addition to its medicalisation view and the law changes done by Portugal to combat its drug use problem, harm reduction programs were also seen to be put central in their new drug policy. Drug treatment in Portugal can be classified into four main categories the outpatient drug treatment, the day care centres, the detoxification units and the therapeutic communities. All of the centre provide both psychosocial and substitution treatment. Day centres offering outpatient care and withdrawal treatment are provided by both public and non-governmental services. Inpatient psychosocial treatment mostly consists of therapeutic communities and is mainly available in private services. There is also short-term and long-term residential psychosocial drug treatment provided (The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, 2011). As of 2011, there are about 40 projects that deal with drug users in order to make the drug use activity safer (Vale de Andrade and Carapinha, 2010). As h arm reduction acknowledges that the drug users are in most cases unable to go on abstinence but still need to be helped, the common methods to reduce harm consists of the following: needle exchange program in order to reduce the inevitable risks commonly associated with needle sharing (such as HIV) and also, special designated injection sites with medical supervision to educate drug users the safer injection techniques and to get them off the streets. Additionally, methadone and buprenorphine  subscriptions are also used so as to help street heroin addict in reduction of their number by curbing cravings (Christie et al, 2008). This measure of harm reduction and treatments provided by the country has seen a positive outcome as there have been significant reductions in Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C for people in the treatment and also, between the year 1999 2003 there was a 17% reduction in notifications of new, drug related cases of HIV (Beagrie, 2011). The effect of decriminalising also increased the number of people going in seeking for the treatment voluntarily. The treatment will also take place faster and increase the effectiveness as the drug users do not have to wait for the long process going through law enforcements such as that in Sweden and Spain. Although the prohibition of drug possession is done through administrative regulation, rather than criminal penalties, one of the many 13 objectives of the strategy, is to increase the enforcement of laws prohibiting trafficking and distribution of drugs in Portugal (Moreira et al, 2007). Before the new drug law was introduced in 2001, the time and resources of the justice system were greatly stretched when tasked with combating drug consumption. For instance, in 2000, 7592 charges for drug consumption were made by police, putting a huge strain on the courts and prisons. One year after the policy changes, 6026 users, instead of going through the traditional route of prosecution and incarceration, were referred to dissuasion groups. This not only lessened the burden on the justice system, but also allowed the police to focus on the real criminals in the drug industry. Charges for trafficking increased by 11% when compared to the four years prior to decriminalisation (Hughes and Steven s, 2007) and the police were able to target traffickers instead of low level users. By combining decriminalisation with alternative therapeutic/educational responses to drug dependency, the burden of drug law enforcement on the overall criminal justice system is greatly reduced  (Beckley Foundation, 2012). Furthermore according to research, drug treatment is the most cost-effective way of addressing drug problem compare to imprisoning the drug user which is very expensive. Moreover, drug treatment was found to be able to cut crime by 80%, other than its ability to help the societys health by decreasing the risk of contracting drug related disease such as HIV and hepatitis. However, this policy is not effective at the moment in country like United States and Sweden as there is a severe shortage drug treatment programs provided by the countries and the fact that treatment is not made free of charge as it is done in Portugal (News Briefs, 1998). The decriminalising of drug has also been proven to diminish the size of the black market for drugs in the Portugal. This is done by stealing the consumers of the drug dealers, which are actually the real criminals here in the war against drug. The Portugal government supplied the drug substitutions for free of charge as a part of their drug treatment hence there is no demand for the drugs supplied by the dealers. As there is no more demand in the black market drug dealing, they are mostly will be out of business, therefore will eradicate them (Swan, 2012). In another argument regarding the decriminalising of drug in Portugal and the black market is that by bringing drug (replacements) into the legitimate economy, it will also ultimately separate the drugs from the black market itself. This will greatly reduce the risk by the black market dealers where hard drugs are often pushed onto buyers, who are only in to buy less dangerous drugs than promoted by the dealers. This will help a l ot in decreasing the risk of exposure on the drug users to a more dangerous drug. In essence, this will also help the removal of the gateway effect in which this undermines many arguments against the decriminalising of drugs (such as the Swedens zero tolerance for drugs) policy and shows that users will not be forced by dealers to buy cocaine, for instance, when all they want is marijuana (Herrington, 2012). Furthermore by making the drug substitutes available, it will bring to an end to the common association of drug taking and being cool or the forbidden fruit theory among the younger group. The usual use factor for drugs for them is usually peer pressure, to be accepted by others and look or feel as cool as the other youth who are also taking drugs. This is usually caused by the desire to do something different or rebel out of the norm. Therefore, by making drug replacements available, drug taking will no longer be an activity that is attractive or unordinary for them (United Nat ions Office on Drugs and Crime, 2012). Ever since this new drug policy came into place in the year 2001, numerous positive evaluations have been observed instantly regarding the drug use problem across the country. One of the primary indicators on drug use available in Portugal concerns the lifetime prevalence amongst school student. According to the statistics collected the changes in lifetime prevalence of drug use among students aged 16-18 has gone down in the year 2003 comparatively before the new policy was introduced in the year 1999. The decrease of prevalence for the number of the usage of heroin for the students is 2.5% in 1999 and 1.8% in 2003. Whereas, for cannabis it is seen to be increasing, as in 1999, the number is 9.4% and in 2003, 15.1%. These figures suggest that, while cannabis use among young people may have increased, heroin use has decreased. Although some argued that this decline is not statistically significant for Portugal, the neighbouring country, Italy however saw an increase during the same pe riod of the decline in Portugal intravenous drug use (Beckley Foundation, 2012). This just strengthened the argument that this new policy works up to a certain extent instantaneously after its introduction. Also, as desired with the substantial improvement of drug user to seek for treatment, the Portuguese authorities have recorded a reduction in the numbers of heroin users who are entering treatment for the first time. It seems that initiation into heroin use is falling, while cannabis use is rising towards the levels which are also experienced in some other European countries. This indication is supported by the pattern of referrals to the CDT (IDT, 2007) in which it was found that there is about 28% increase between the year 2001 and 2005 for the referral of cannabis drug user while for heroin a decrease of 55% was seen in terms of the referrals to the CDT. As there has been an increase in the young people appearing before CDTs for cannabis, and a decrease in those appearing for heroin the explanation for this is it is a part of the corresponding trend increase as part of the other European nations. This increase is also because of the increasing self-reported drug use due to the reduced stigma attached to the drug use compared to pre-decriminalisation (Hughes and Stevens, 2007). As more people are seeking and undergoing drug treatment, the amount of addiction was also seen to decrease and more importantly, this also enable the country to manage and reduce the harms related to drug use as Portugal has had a serious problem with the transmission of HIV and other blood borne viruses. For instance during the year 1999 Portugal had the highest rate of HIV amongst injecting drug users in the European Union (The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug, 2000). This is why the major target of the Portuguese public health approach to drug use is the harm reduction, with opiate substitution treatment and needle exchange being an important element of the Portuguese response. As a result, between the year 1999 and 2003, there was a 17% reduction in the notifications of new, drug related cases of HIV (Tavares et al, 2005). Likely for the same reasons, since 2000, there were also reductions in the numbers of tracked cases of Hepatitis C and B in treatment centres nat ionwide, despite the increasing numbers of people in treatment (Greenwald, 2009). According to Greenwald (2009) beyond the disease, the mortality rates of the drug related was also found to be decreasing as well. In absolute numbers, drug-related deaths from 2002 to 2006 for every prohibited substance have either declined significantly or remained constant compared with 2001. In 2000, for instance, the number of deaths from opiates (including heroin) was 281. That number has decreased steadily since decriminalisation, to 133 in 2006. This fact is also supported by other findings that the total drug related death in the country almost halved between the year of 1999 and 2003, which are 369 and 152, respectively. The large drop in deaths is also associated to decline in the use of heroin. This fall in deaths related to opiates (heroin) has been linked to the big increase in the numbers of heroin users who have entered substitution treatment (Tavares et al, 2005), as substitution treatment has repeatedly been found to be effective in reducing the mortality rate of th e opiate users. It is also an indication of the falling levels of heroin use (Hughes and Stevens, 2007). Unlike the Netherlands and Switzerland, the fears of drug tourism with the decriminalisation of drugs have turned out to be completely untrue as this has simply not been the case. In accordance to this, approximately 95% of people sent to CDTs were of Portuguese origin, which implies that tourists are not travelling to the country to abuse its liberal approach to narcotics (Beckley Foundation, 2012). After five years since the introduction of this new policy, both the general and the youth populations prevalence of drug use in the country are below European Union (EU) average. Also, the overall population prevalence of drug use is actually the lowest compare to the other EU nations, of below 10% as the highest is above 30% for Denmark. To make it better by and large, the usage rates for each category of drugs is found to be lower in the EU than it is in the non- EU states with a far more criminalised approach to drug usage such as the USA which has the highest level of usage for ille gal cocaine and cannabis in the world. With the USA approach to drug criminalisation that appears to cause a higher drug usage rates among Americans, and also this trend in general, appear to be worsening, contrasted with the far better rates in decriminalised Portugal. This suggests that severe criminalisation laws against drug use do not necessarily produce lower drug usage, as instead data suggest that the contradictory may be true (Greenwald, 2009). However, too liberal effort in order to combat the drug use such as the Netherlands lenient way of dealing with soft drugs policy is proven to be ineffective as well as even though they too, decriminalise drugs like Portugal, they do not actually practice and make the harm reduction and CDT programs in dealing with the drug users in its drug policy. Along with this, contrasting to Portugal, they in a way legalise the selling of certain drugs through the coffee shops hence, attracting drug tourists from all over the world. As a confir mation, the drug lifetime experience prevalence of the Dutch population is on the average, not the lowest along with the fact that Netherlands is the most crime-prone nation in Europe with most of its drug addicts live on state welfare payments and by committing crimes (World and I, 2012). Additionally, the number of drug induced deaths recorded for Netherlands is higher than that in the Portugal which is 129 in the year 2008, compare to only 94 in the Portugal (The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, 2011). CONCLUSION The drug policy system in Portugal is definitely a model drug policy for the Europe as can be analysed throughout the essay. Although it is liberal in its own way, it still try to reduce as much as it can the prevalence of drug use along with putting harm reduction and treatment programmes central in its war against drugs. The Portuguese policy tries to avoid the use of harsh policy such as criminalising as done in countries like Sweden and the USA as it is proven to only backfire. Other than that, it is also not as liberal as it is done in the Netherlands where, certain drug use are treated in such a lenient manner which is also proven to be ineffective comparatively to the one done by Portugal. Moreover, with the successful and positive evaluations ever since the policy was implemented in 2001 that managed to bring out a country that was once the most problematic in the EU in terms of its drug use, to the current lowest drug use overall prevalence, it is doubted why it will not wor k for the other European countries where the social-economic background is mostly similar.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Morality and Importance of Moral Values

Raising a family in a society that is fast-paced and ever changing can make it confusing to know just which values to teach your children. As a general rule, it’s up to you to teach your children what to believe, and how they should live their lives. But when it comes to teaching and instilling moral values, I’d love to pass on a few values to teach your children from a young age. These are simple and common everyday values that are quickly fading from our younger generation. Read on to discover what they are!1. RESPECTOne of the most important values to teach your children is respect. Having worked in several daycare facilities, I’ve seen children who have no respect for authority at all. It’s exasperating to the teacher, and to the parent when they arrive to pick up their kids. By teaching your kids respect, you are doing the world, yourself, and your child a favor! Life will go much easier for them with a little respect under their hat. If you have got to give a speech on moral values you have to stress the significance of moral values in life and should never ignore them. Here are some things you may use so that you can present this essential subject to your audience.You can say moral values are necessary because the Bible instructs us to be moral. Actually, during history moral values have been the foundation of our education. First of all mom and dad, then school, and finally universities and colleges were instructing us to be kind, honest, sincere, warmhearted, and so on. Religion used to be one of the most effective instruments to instill moral values into people. Religion has been getting rid of its impact in many states around the globe. These days it is still vital to many, but only for a segment of lots of societies. Moral values are still widely used as a debate topic, but regrettably they are often no that significant for a lot of people.The importance of moral values in life is one thing nobody can seriously argue with , despite the fact that today it is a popular practice. Many well known film and popular music superstars, political figures, and other successful people speak about liberal values – freedom of expression, religious beliefs, a hedonistic lifestyle, etc. Their point is that individual freedom is the most significant value to fight for! No person can  make you do what you do not want to do, so you are free to be bad or kind, sincere, or not – it is your individual decision, and everyone have to appreciate it.That is why it's acceptable to abuse alcohol, take drugs, and be impolite, rude or even cruel – if you prefer to act like that, it is your right. Freedom is the only value! Needless to say, liberal values are not that awful. The problem is they in some way destroy the moral foundation of the modern society. When the Bible is no longer the primary instructor of moral behavior, at least, for Christians, there's a risk people will stop thinking about moral valu es as important.This is currently happening in most liberal democratic nations in comparison to traditional Eastern ones, where the religious impact of Islam is still big. We may discuss the political regimes of those states, and the exercise of individual freedom and human rights there, but there’s a thing most people will agree with – they stress the importance of moral values in life; it's the key component of their tradition.Speech on Moral Values and the Importance of Moral Values in Life: Are They truly Important?In your speech on moral values you have to find out the actual importance of moral values in life. In the modern world of income oriented individuals it's hard to stay a moral person; nevertheless it's not extremely hard. Many do. Every single day we hear that a lot of people are murdered by criminals; in a number of states they brazenly shoot and kill rival gangs members on the streets all simply because of money.Cash is the value. Not kindness or princ iples. Not morals. Greed for money is the only driving force of these people! Every single day we see how people tell a lie, do everything possible to have the job they need, even it demands that they do something awful, against the law, or immoral. Young men try to have a girl they wish without any idea about moral values. This ought to help you with materials for your speech on moral values. We realize the significance of moral values in life, don’t we? And right now, after having a short speech on moral values, we're ready to write a moral values essay.Moral Values Essay: Writing TipsWhen writing your moral values essay do not forget to stick to the structure. Your essay should contain an introduction, a body paragraph and a conclusion. Moreover, your moral values essay should present your own point of view on the topic. In fact, you may use the ideas listed above and support them with your additional thoughts. When summarizing your essay, give your readers a clear conclus ion on the importance of moral values in our life.Speech on Moral Values and Moral Values Essay: HelpIf you continue to think your speech on moral values or your moral values essay can not be done without qualified help, or you simply lack the spare time to do it on your own – professional writing company is ready to assist you! We have authors skilled in different disciplines. Furthermore, all of them have a Masters degree or a PhD; so composing an essay or a speech for university won't be a problem for them. It'll be created from scratch in accordance to your recommendations and within your deadline.Besides, you'll also get: Absolutely free on-line 24/7 help. Free of charge proofreading and editing. 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Thursday, January 9, 2020

Argumentative Essay Topics about Animals Can Be Fun for Everyone

Argumentative Essay Topics about Animals Can Be Fun for Everyone Studies demonstrate that a dog's brain releases oxytocin the moment it interacts with different dogs or humans. Service animals perform broad range of services and tasks for individuals with disabilities, and lots of disabled individuals wouldn't have the ability to function effectively without their animals. Argumentative essay is a kind of written assignment where you're predicted to provide your opinion on a particular matter and supply evidence that supports your opinion. Without regard to the quantity or variety of research involved, argumentative essays must set a very clear thesis and follow sound reasoning. Usually, the argumentative essay has the identical outline as most classic papers. Regardless of the popular myth, a very good argumentative essay is more than simply hoping to show your point with a couple arguments. Make certain all the things you're writing is accurate. In instances when you get to select the topic for an argumentative essay, you need to be wise and locate a title that will intrigue a reader. Each and every area of the essay exerts a specific function in its general structure. An argumentative essay is a writing piece intended to persuade a person to believe the way that you do. Recent argumentative essay topics that are related to society is going to do. Your essay should consist of recent statistics and data from reliable sources. An argumentative essay is a certain sort of academic writing. It will require you to take a particular stance about the topic you are writing about. Nowadays it is quite difficult to locate a trustworthy essay writing service. If you decide to be an independent essay writer, you can expect the exact same. Researching the topic will permit you to find out more about what fascinates you, and should you pick something you truly like, writing the essay will be more enjoyable. Writing skills in college isn't restricted to essays. The Hidden Truth on Argumentative Essay Topics about Animals It's possible to write a descriptive essay on a lot of things What category you opt for can help you decide how you should begin. You also have to allow the reader know how you're going to describe the topic. Popular topics are simpler to write about since there are lots of sources to strengthen your statement, but from a reader's point of view, a favorite essay topic isn't exactly beneficial. You don't need to acquire super technical with legal argumentative essays, but be certain to do your homework on what the recent laws about your favorite topic actually say. You're going to need to choose a topic first, but your topic ought to be something that has two conflicting points or distinct conclusions. When you start to work on the topic the next points should be taken under consideration. Therefore, the topic needs to be debatable! Introducing Argumentative Essay Topics about Animals Nevertheless, before you begin devising your arguments, you will need to think about several facets. You might also want to incorporate a brief discussion of more research that needs to be completed in light of your work. Besides general knowledge you have concerning the subject, you won't mind dedicating some opportunity to research, writing procedure, and other aspects essential for the high-quality essay. To supply context, you want to examine the field from an overall perspective be fore expanding on its significance. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. By way of example, in college, you might be requested to compose a paper from the opposing viewpoint. Pick the side and stick with it as you compose the paper. The most frequently encountered paper writing service that the vast majority of our clients require is essay writing. Things You Won't Like About Argumentative Essay Topics about Animals and Things You Will When you're composing your essay make certain that you create the side that you're taking clear and which you truly believe in the point that you're making. As a consequence, any argumentative essay topics that you decide to write about regarding nutrition should have at least two sides to them, so that you could argue for or against something. Your facts ought to be truthful. Bear in mind an argumentative essay is based more on facts instead of emotion. Using Ar gumentative Essay Topics about Animals The type of information which Becky just got new automobile interior is totally useless in the very long run. The most significant thing is for you to understand your views on a particular thing about animals and attempt to persuade different folks to find things from your viewpoint. When you're picking your topic, remember that it's much simpler to write about something which you currently have interest ineven in case you don't know a great deal about it. For instance, you can write about something that personally affects you or somebody you know. Animal sport needs to be banned and criminalized. The effects of pursuing materialistic lifestyle are the inability to get to the state of happiness in your life. You may start looking for assorted family topics to compose your argumentative essay on in the event you find it difficult to deal with some family responsibilities. If you wish to share because many examples from your private life and experience as possible, most probably you will recall your family members and friends.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Promoting Good Governance in Public Institutions in Ghana,...

RESEARCH PROPOSAL Promoting Good Governance in Public Institutions of Ghana: The Role of the Internal Auditor Introduction All over the world there is a realization that the Internal Audit activity has the potential to provide hitherto unparalleled services to management in the conduct of their duties. This potential has been turned into a challenge and embodied in the new definition of Internal Auditing from the Institute of Internal Auditors (the IIA). Background of the Study The Government of the Republic of Ghana by the Internal Audit Agency Act, 2003 (Act 658)established the Internal Audit Agency â€Å"as an apex oversight body to co-ordinate, facilitate and provide quality assurance for Internal Audit activities within the public sector†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦These are as follows: 1. Professional Practice Framework which aims at developing key documents and templates for use by the Internal Audit function such the Internal Audit Regulations, Internal Auditing Standards, Audit Programmes Internal Audit Charter and Annual Audit Planning templates. 2. Human Resource Development which seeks to facilitate the recruitment, training and development of internal auditors to be proficient in applying internal audit standards, procedures and techniques in performing engagements. 3. Quality Assurance and Improvement which addresses the issue of continues improvement in the performance of the internal audit activity. Definition of Internal Audit According to the Institute of Internal Auditors, â€Å"internal auditing is an independent, objectiveassurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization’soperations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes† (March 2007).This definition actually seeks to demonstrate the depth and breadth of the internal audit activity within an institution as against the previous orientation of reviewing payment transactions over the years. Modern internal audit covers (or should cover) all activities of theShow MoreRelatedInternal Auditing in an Organization and Its Effects on Financial Administration and Controls14791 Words   |  60 Pagesfinancial statements by a professional auditor or accountant who has had no part in its preparation. 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